Our Blogs

Our Blogs

From AM Radio to Touchscreens: The Evolution of In-Car Entertainment

November 29, 2019

Car Radios Initially Cost About 25% of the Cost of a Car.

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We Bet You Didn’t Know THIS About Insurance Companies

November 26, 2019

There’s more to insurance companies than a variety of interesting spokespeople.

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When I Buy Car Insurance, WHAT am I Insuring?

November 25, 2019

When Does Auto Insurance Follow the Driver and When Does It Follow the Car?

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Forgotten Sports Franchise Moves

November 22, 2019

Yes, the Lakers Played in Minneapolis and the Pistons in Detroit. That’s Just the Start.

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How Do My “Toys” Affect My Insurance?

November 20, 2019

Boys Toys Keep Getting Bigger…and More Expensive. Are You Covered?

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American Landmarks: Why Did They Build That There?

November 19, 2019

Did You Ever Wonder How a Certain Landmark Ended up in a Particular Place?

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They Don’t Make Cars Like They Used To…and That’s a Good Thing!

November 18, 2019

Fond Memories Can Fade the Fact that Classic Cars were Gas Guzzlers and Unsafe.

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When Was the Last Time You….

November 15, 2019

What used to bring you joy that you haven’t experienced in awhile?

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The First 5 Things to Do After an Auto Accident

November 14, 2019

These are the 5 key steps to take after an auto accident.

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